I'm always really interested in what beauty products other bloggers are using, so I'm going to take the oppurtunity to share mine! Aussie is always my choice brand for haircare. I wash my hair at night, about an hour and a half before I go to bed. AND I NEVER USE HEAT!

I just use plain old head and shoulders for my shampoo (not pictured) because I tend to get dry scalp. Then I use the Burt's Bees and apply it only to my scalp. I use the Aussie Deeeep on the ends of my hair. The smell is to die for- coconut! Actually, all Aussie products smell amazing (and they're dirt cheap too).

My hair is naturally wavy, but unfortunately really poofy. When my hair is damp (not dripping) I apply a good dollop of Aussie Catch the Wave mousse- it's also a leave-in conditioner, which is great! I take it one step further by spritzing my hair with Aussie sprunch, and then SCRUNCH. I let my hair dry a bit more and then put it up in a bun before I go to bed. Sleeping on it gives your hair extra wave.

In the morning I use a bit of Tresemme tres two hairspray to get rid of any fuzzies I might have. If my hair is really dry, I use just a teeny bit of Bed Head Ego Boost on the very ends. Then I repeat the process again in the evening. If for some reason I don't have time to take a shower, I'll just pick up some baby powder on a big fluffy brush and apply it to the scalp, which helps to soak up any excess oils. My hair looks so much healthier now that I don't use heat anymore! Hope that helped if anyone was interested in what I use on my hair!